Friday, March 22, 2013
We are home from the hospital! Not only are we home, but we are back in Waco. To me amazing. I explained to Audrey tonight at bedtime that her daddy has been playing the part of super man. Just like Superman, daddy needs to rest:) To be strong like Superman, we need to gain our strength through lots of rest and sleep:) The kids were super excited to see him, but did not quite understand at bedtime why Daddy wasn't doing the bedtime ritual and running all around with them. It amazed me because right away when Audrey looked at David's incision she said why so many stitches? I don't ever remember talking to her about stitches? Or even using that word. I think David appreciated her medical terminology:) The kids were well taken care of by my mother and we are so grateful that we could focus on healing while she took care of the kiddos:)
Before we got discharged this a.m. I went to the break room ( think that would be the appropriate word) on the 8th floor. This is the floor David stayed on and the floor where all Nero and spine cancer surgery patients recuperate. I sipped on some coffee and made some phone calls while enjoying some sunlight from the window. I was the only one in in the room until a nice lady walked in about 10 minutes after my time of solitude. She asked me if I had kids and I told her a little bit about Audrey and Parker. I then asked why she was at MD Anderson and on the 8th floor. She said her 40 year old daughter has a rare spinal cancer. One that only 50 people in the WORLD have ever been diagnosed with! That there is a doctor at MD Anderson that has done all these surgeries and the only one that works with this rare cancer. She told me 2 months ago her daughter had a 28 HOUR SURGERY! Can you imagine!? I thought waiting for David 8 hours was long, but 28 HOURS! She said that several doctors would come in at certain times to remove the main doctor so he could take a break, sit, eat, potty you name it. Her daughter has been on the 8th floor for 2 months now. To make it even more crazy, the doctors took some muscle from the daughters stomach and used it as a filler around her spin to prevent this cancer from growing back? Craziness! Marilyn was the mother's name and Kara is her daughter. Kara has a 12 year old son. They all live in Alaska and since Kara has been in the hospital for 2 months recovering ( just took her first steps) they have been rotating flying out to see her and take care of her.
All this being said, I hugged Marilyn. I told her that I would share her story with all my prayer warriors. That we would pray her daughters name and pray for Marilyn as the mother and care taker. I walked out and felt my heart saying, and you thought you had it bad? I was reminded at that instant that yes no journey is comparable and each one is different based on how God wants to use it to bring beauty and glory to his name, but when we think we are the ones suffering the most there is always someone else out there with a story worst then yours. I was touched by Kara's story as I sat there thinking.....I could never go through that. Cancer? Oh my goodness. Then I walked out...saw the sign on the floor and was reminded, oh wait...we are going through that.
Once back in Waco, we went to Audrey's t-ball practice. Her first practice! David was to be the coach, but with all that has been going on, our wonderful friends stepped up. David insisted on going to the practice. I was a little hesitant, as David has no bandage on. He has an incision all around his head, hair matted down and every part of the incision would be visible to all ( yes that means blood). Not to mention, doctor ordered no shower until tomorrow. I want to say he looked awesome, but he more so looked like he just escaped the hospital. We got to her practice. He sat down. The kids were so excited to see him. Our close friends were all so amazing...just acting like it was another day. And once again, David proved to be the stronger one, not me. He continues to not let this manage his life, control his life or dictate the simplest joys such as seeing his daughters first t-ball practice. I believe and know with all my heart that this bump is to awake us to more of life and joy and David will continue to battle but he will experience and feel joy for many many years to come!
I want to thank you all for the notes, text messages, calls you name it. We try so hard to respond to all, but sometimes we just can't. I also see that the messages many send to David provide a lot of encouragement and hope for him. He is resting a lot so his response time might be delayed as well. Please know, we do read them. They do provide comfort. We are SO EXCITED to be back home! And to be back to life!
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Lots of Love!
Dana and David