Hello everybody,
I know it has been a while since I wrote anything on the blog but Dana has been doing a great job keeping everyone informed. I have been doing remarkably well and am blessed to have so many caring friends and family praying and writing letters and emails and texts. Keep them coming.
I am still doing well with everything, Luckily no pain or symptoms! No headaches or seizures. No memory loss and no neuro deficits!! Just a little insomnia.
We have been doing well lately and wanted to get down to Houston this weekend but we had a few important meetings come up and unfortunately had to cancel our trip to Houston.
We met a lady here in Waco that has taken this same journey and will be cancer free four years this January. She told us her story of her diagnosis, treatment and recovery. She also did six weeks of radiation therapy and she told me that on day 17, my hair would start falling out. Well, she was right. Day 17 was Tuesday and I noticed a lot of hair scattered around me and if I ran my fingers through my hair, I had a hand full of hair.
Everyone keeps asking why I am losing my hair and it is related to the radiation treatment focused on the forehead and front half of my scalp. I am not losing hair in the back or anywhere else, just where the beams are focused. So, evidently the radiation zaps the hair follicle and the hair falls out. we decided to shave it all off and not worry about the hair anymore.
Below are several pictures of my new hair do and Parker with his new do and my buddy from med school with his sympathy do.
Parker wasn't too happy getting his hair cut but liked the sucker after. We tried to give it too him during but he just cried "No"

Here is the happy boy back at home playing on his John Deere Gator. New Hair cut.
Here is Chris Cottrell md with his two daughters, Zoe and Reece.
Here is Audrey holding my hand before my treatment, I am getting locked in and Will is positioning the machine.
Here we are in front of the Cancer Center sign with our badge of three weeks completed.
Thank you everyone for your prayers and concerns. We love you all!