Leave it to David to get discharged only two days after his surgery:) It looks like sometime today we will be discharged from the hospital. You can see how excited David is to be out and get home to the kiddo's.
The past couple days he has been walking around, refusing wheelchair rides and heading down to the cafeteria every few hours. We have learned that after surgery Cancer patients are put on a VERY HIGH dosage of steriods. These steriods make David crave food and very, very moody. I keep running out after the nurses apologizing for David's shortness, they remind me that all Cancer patients are like this after surgery because of the steriods and also that all physicians are like this because they HATE BEING THE PATIENT! Everyone just seems to laugh it off which is what David's family and I have done:) The steriods make him want to get up and walk around and not sit much. So, you add all these things together and it makes for an interesting day:) But, overall he is doing AMAZING. And the fact that we could leave the hospital today is truly a blessing. He will be on the steriods for 10 to 12 more days then tapper off. The doctor then said, our sweet David will be back:) Although, he is still sweet:)
We have also been able to FACE TEXT with the kids a couple times a day. It has been so much fun and Audrey loves it. David only had his head shaved around the lession. He looks great! Tomorrow he is allowed to shower for the first time which he is pretty excited about:)
We have made trips to the chapel to pray with family and friends and David is first to lead a prayer the times we head down to the cafeteria. It is so nice to continue to put our faith in God.
There was an article publish this month on Glioma tumors and how Brain Cancer is not curable but managable. And the many people who live normal lives with these tumors by having the radiation and chemo and then follow up MRI's every 6 months. The article also offered the many things we can do as far as food and exercise to help manage this cancer. And every person interviewed was back to work in only a few weeks with no sign that there was any surgery or chemo done. It is truly amazing the medical advances today and I can only imagine what it will be like in 5 to 10 years.
We love everyone and really believe God chose you all to help us through this journey:)
1 Samuel Chapter 17, The story of David and Goliath:)