Wednesday, August 17, 2011

David Happy!

We are on appointment number 4 of many today. Right now, David is getting ready for an MRI. He has had blood tests, psychological exam and cognitive exam. The whole way over to MRI he was telling me how he thinks he can do even better on the cognitive exam next time. He is definitly a perfectionist.

We are making many smiles as David is wearing a bright pink polo shirt today in the midst of all the dark blooming colors. He is in good spirits saying hi to everyone and making conversation. Everyone at MD Anderson has been so wonderful.

I have made a committment to myself once we get out of all of this I am going to volunteer at the hospital to pass out pepermints and coffee. The volunteers are amazing making us feel so welcomed.

David packed his bag last night full of polo shirts, cologne and kahki pants. I reminded him we are not going to Hawaii but instead going to have brain surgery. So, made him add some lounge wear in as well. Oh and lets not forget the bathing suit he packed, really?

He makes me laugh and I LOVE how positive he is. It is such a blessing and I know his strength comes from God and each of you.

We love you all and will continue to keep you udpated.

I do ask tomorrow that each of you sit down, whereever you are and whoever you are with and pray. Pray for healing, pray for recovery. God is BIG enough for this. And I thank God for the peace he has provided our family.

We love you all and will continue the updates:)
